Anne Lise Stenseth

Fuglinne/Birdess 2001

video installation with 3 projections


Anne Lise Stenseth - Birdess /2001


The video Birdess is about Yngvil Teigen and her relationship to birds. Y.T. is a visual artist and a pedagogue. During the later years Y.T. has devoted her life to the wellbeing of wounded, orphant, "homeless" an hungry citybirds. Not for selfish reasons but with the purpose to make the birds able to make it on their own.

I consider being obsessed by something, in this case birds, as an equivalent to an artists whish of expressing oneself. By recording - during a two year period - the "Birdess" relation to the birds she is nursing I focus on the extraordinary relationship between the "Birdess" and "her" birds, and what role this take part in her life.